Dates, Carrot(15%), Almonds, Walnuts, Coconut Shreds* , Coconut Oil* , Coconut Milk, Cashew nuts, Water, Gluten Free Oat flakes*, Lemon, Cinnamon, Probiotics, Ginger, nutmeg, Sea Sal. *Certified Organic Ingredients ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΑ Χουρμάδες, Καρότο, Αμύγδαλα, Καρύδια, Τρίμμα Καρύδας*, Έλαιο καρύδας*, Κρέμα καρύδα, Ξηροί Καρποί Κάσιους, Νερό, Βρώμη χωρίς γλουτένη*, Λεμόνι, Κανέλα, Πιπερόριζα, Mοσχοκάρυδο, Αλάτι Θαλασσινό. *Πιστοποιημένο Βιολογικό Συστατικό |
Raw Carrot Cake
A raw carrot cake with lemon cashew cream cheez frosting. A moist cake made with walnuts, almonds, carrots and dates with hints of cinnamon spice toped with our very own fermented cashew cream cheez.
Available Sizes & Prices
Prices: €50 €65 Size: 20cm Cake 26cm Cake Serves: 12-15 people 18-22 People Weight: 1400 grams 2200 grams